NPLD and Summerfest Bray

Had the pleasure of painting at two great festivals this month. First up was No Place Like Dome in Sligo. I was invited down to paint last year at NPLD and was delighted when Katie, Bob and the crew invited us down again this year. The boards were set up by the Courtyard stage and we got to listen to some amazing bands while we got our paint on.(The Bog Frogs stand out in my memory) This is one chilled festival and probably has the best atmosphere I’ve experienced.

The piece I painted was a nod to Bill Hicks and his rather dubious alter-ego GoatBoy.

‘You don’t like Goatboy? Goatboy is hurt by your indifference!’

Photo by KVLR

Last weekend saw me hopping into a car with Matt and Sarah, part of the T13 Ramp Rage crew (ta muchly guys, especially for the pickled onion Monster Munch!) and heading down to Bray, Co.Wiclow, for Summerfest. Couldn’t have asked for better weather and the shore front was jammed. I had the honour of collaborating with the very talented JMK on a 20×8′ board with a sea-faring theme. I opted for painting an Octo-mermaid I had sketched and JMK painted an amazing Poseidon. Two really different styles but we managed to make the two pieces flow together.

photo by JMK

close up of the Octo-mermaid

Cracking stuff alltogether.

Many thanks to the organisers of NPLD and Summerfest for their great work and to Square Pit Productions for the invite.


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