MTV EMA After-show Party Artwork. Chris Martin

I was commissioned by MTV to provide artwork for one of the after-show parties being held in Belfast last weekend for the EMA’s. Coldplay kicked off the awards show in style. Chris Martin has always reminded me of Linus from the Peanuts cartoons so I added this reference into the background and I drew inspiration from the French Revolution theme that Coldplay used in their last album. Myself and another artist were actually hired to paint Coldplay’s set backdrop on the day of the awards but time constraints prevented us from getting to do it. I did get to watch them soundcheck though and got a ticket for the awards for the hassle =)

Good times

Painting on canvas, acrylic, spray paint, stencils. Approx 5’x3′

Only realised after painting this piece that a song on Coldplay’s current album is called ‘Charlie Brown’, what a coincidence!

More paintings to follow!

Also just got a twitter account, you can follow me here:  friz on twitter

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